Edward Bajt

Sales Specialist , Wiseberry Port Macquarie

Your Local Real Estate Agent

I’ve been helping people move and take the next step in the journey of life since 2004. For me whilst the end objective is the sale of a property, my focus is helping people navigate the often stressful process. From the moment they trust me with the business to the moment the sold sign is coming down and beyond.
Reflecting on my career to date and the thousands of people who I have encountered on the way. I am conscious that Real Estate is not about the sale of bricks and mortar it’s about helping people.

It’s a privilege to live, work and raise a family in as beautiful part of the world as Port Macquarie.
When not working I enjoy the simple things swimming at the beach with my wife and kids, fishing in the river with friends or reading books as you can always learn something new every day.